
November 18

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Professor Rachel Hallote

The Not-So Innocents Abroad: American Involvement in Biblical Archaeology

Motivated by deep political and religious interests in the Holy Land, the British carried out the first modern archaeological projects in the second half of the 19th-century. But Americans were also active in 19th-century Palestine — and proved innovative and no-nonsense in their approach.

Dr. Hallote will trace the influence of American scholars on biblical archaeology from the founding of the American Palestine Exploration Society to the Samaria Expedition of 1908.

Dr. Rachel Hallote is Professor of History and Coordinator of Jewish Studies at Purchase College, SUNY. She has worked at numerous archaeological sites in Israel, including Tel Miqne and Megiddo, and conducts research on the history of biblical archaeology and the British and American excavations in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

Wednesday, November 18 | 
10:00 am Eastern

A virtual series

This program is sponsored by The Streicker Family and Dr. Masha Mimran.

This event has taken place

Wednesday, November 18 | 
10:00 am

Motivated by deep political and religious interests in the Holy Land, the British carried out the first modern archaeological projects in the second half of the 19th-century. But Americans were also active in 19th-century Palestine — and proved innovative and no-nonsense in their approach.

Dr. Hallote will trace the influence of American scholars on biblical archaeology from the founding of the American Palestine Exploration Society to the Samaria Expedition of 1908.

Dr. Rachel Hallote is Professor of History and Coordinator of Jewish Studies at Purchase College, SUNY. She has worked at numerous archaeological sites in Israel, including Tel Miqne and Megiddo, and conducts research on the history of biblical archaeology and the British and American excavations in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

This event has taken place

A virtual series

This program is sponsored by The Streicker Family and Dr. Masha Mimran.

About the series

Hot Topics in Biblical Archaeology

For centuries, archaeologists have raided ancient tombs, explored caves, unearthed watercourses, sifted through rubble, measured skulls, romanced stones and reconstructed pots from tiny shards in their quest to unlock the riddles of biblical times.

In this series, eight distinguished biblical archaeologists will discuss their detective work: the questions they ask; the finds they’ve uncovered; the technology they employ that adds science to spades and brushes; their interpretation of evidence; their struggle against fake news, both ancient and modern; and the tightrope they walk between belief in the Bible and evidence.

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