Jerusalem is not a beat for the journalistic faint of heart.
Depending on the day or the story, the people who cover the region are lambasted for being too pro-Israel, too pro-Arab, ignorant of history, ill-informed, shoddy liars and/or foolish dupes — by activists, governments, editors, readers and their own relatives.
There’s no neutral ground to stand on, and gratitude for seeking balance is in extremely short supply.
Jodi Rudoren, editor-in-chief of the Forward and former Jerusalem bureau chief of The Times, will talk with current and former correspondents about the complexities of covering a region where the narratives clash so violently and about which readers care so deeply.
Ethan Bronner, Bloomberg News, The New York Times, Reuters and Boston Globe
Daniel Estrin, National Public Radio, Associated Press
Janine Zacharia, The Washington Post, Reuters and Bloomberg News
A Virtual Event
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Jerusalem is not a beat for the journalistic faint of heart.
Depending on the day or the story, the people who cover the region are lambasted for being too pro-Israel, too pro-Arab, ignorant of history, ill-informed, shoddy liars and/or foolish dupes — by activists, governments, editors, readers and their own relatives.
There’s no neutral ground to stand on, and gratitude for seeking balance is in extremely short supply.
Jodi Rudoren, editor-in-chief of the Forward and former Jerusalem bureau chief of The Times, will talk with current and former correspondents about the complexities of covering a region where the narratives clash so violently and about which readers care so deeply.
Ethan Bronner, Bloomberg News, The New York Times, Reuters and Boston Globe
Daniel Estrin, National Public Radio, Associated Press
Janine Zacharia, The Washington Post, Reuters and Bloomberg News
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