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A Skirball Academy Class
A Virtual Exhibition – The Barbara C Freedman Artists’ Beit Midrash (2022)
Rest, Restore, Reimagine: The Shmita Year 5782
Every seventh year, Jews are commanded to let the land lie fallow, to take down fences and boundaries and allow everyone to harvest what they need. While Jews living outside of Israel cannot obey this commandment literally, we can adopt its lessons spiritually and artistically. So during this Shmita year, we will grapple with what it means to live out those principles in our own lives, our communities and beyond. By considering that the word shmita derives from the Hebrew root lishmot, “to drop or let fall,” we will identify what we most cling to and practice letting go. We will deepen our perception that nothing belongs to us, that whatever we have or achieve is a gift. And we will celebrate artists who seek to embody these perceptions in their own practice.
The first hour of each session will involve an examination of a diverse range of Jewish texts, both biblical and rabbinic, to see how, as artists, we can interpret these narratives visually. In the second, we will critique art created by the participants.
Nancy, David and Jonathan Goldhill, in memory of their mother, Barbara C. Freedman
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Mondays, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4
Free | Friends of Streicker*
$125 | Temple Emanu-El members
$250 | Non-members
*Friends of Streicker program information
A virtual class

Tobi Kahn is an internationally acclaimed painter and sculptor whose work has been shown in over 50 solo exhibitions and more than 80 museum and group shows. He is cofounder of Avoda Arts and has taught at the School of Visual Arts in New York since 1985.

The first woman from the Syrian Jewish community to be ordained as a rabbi, Dianne Cohler-Esses is Associate Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning at Romemu. A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1995, she has worked widely in the Jewish world as an educator, scholar-in-residence and administrator and speaks widely on Torah, Jewish Values and family life, ethnicity and disabilities. In 2007 she was named one of fifty top rabbis by The Washington Post online.
Mondays, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4
Free | Friends of Streicker*
$125 | Temple Emanu-El members
$250 | Non-members
*Friends of Streicker program information
Rest, Restore, Reimagine: The Shmita Year 5782
Every seventh year, Jews are commanded to let the land lie fallow, to take down fences and boundaries and allow everyone to harvest what they need. While Jews living outside of Israel cannot obey this commandment literally, we can adopt its lessons spiritually and artistically. So during this Shmita year, we will grapple with what it means to live out those principles in our own lives, our communities and beyond. By considering that the word shmita derives from the Hebrew root lishmot, “to drop or let fall,” we will identify what we most cling to and practice letting go. We will deepen our perception that nothing belongs to us, that whatever we have or achieve is a gift. And we will celebrate artists who seek to embody these perceptions in their own practice.
The first hour of each session will involve an examination of a diverse range of Jewish texts, both biblical and rabbinic, to see how, as artists, we can interpret these narratives visually. In the second, we will critique art created by the participants.
Nancy, David and Jonathan Goldhill, in memory of their mother, Barbara C. Freedman

Tobi Kahn is an internationally acclaimed painter and sculptor whose work has been shown in over 50 solo exhibitions and more than 80 museum and group shows. He is cofounder of Avoda Arts and has taught at the School of Visual Arts in New York since 1985.

The first woman from the Syrian Jewish community to be ordained as a rabbi, Dianne Cohler-Esses is Associate Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning at Romemu. A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1995, she has worked widely in the Jewish world as an educator, scholar-in-residence and administrator and speaks widely on Torah, Jewish Values and family life, ethnicity and disabilities. In 2007 she was named one of fifty top rabbis by The Washington Post online.